EkkWill Waterlife Resources is a major livestock wholesale supplier to the pet industry. We supply Florida bred, domestic and imported freshwater and saltwater tropical fish, coldwater fish such as goldfish and Koi, as well as reptiles and amphibians throughout the United States, Canada, and other international countries. If you are in the aquarium and tropical fish industry, our live animals are well suited for your customers' tropical fish tank, live rock, or reef tank needs. We are also a wholesaler of cultured corals and tank raised marine fish. Our availability includes a full line of aquatic plants and pond plants for Koi ponds and backyard ponds.
EkkWill is proud to carry the newest designer fish sensation in the aquarium hobby: GLOFISH®. We stock all current GLOFISH® color varieties. Contact one of our sales representatives for more information.
If you are a hobbyist, please check with your local pet store or retailer to see if they stock quality fish from EkkWill Waterlife Resources.

There are several pieces of legislation currently being proposed that, if passed, could cripple the aquarium hobby. The PIJAC Aquatics Committee is working with legislators to ensure any actions taken are based on the best available science, but they can't do it on their own. Please support PIJAC's work to help protect the future of ornamental fish in nature and in our tanks.
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