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livebearer - miscellaneous - SegrestFarms Small Animal Wholesale and Saltwater Fish Wholesale - Segrest Farms

Livebearer - Miscellaneous

    Common Name Scientific Name
Heterandria formosa Heterandria Formosa Livebearer Reg                                                                   Heterandria Formosa Livebearer Reg Heterandria formosa
Belonesox Livebearer Florida Reg Belonesox belizanus
Dermogenys pusilla Gold Wrestling Halfbeak Livebearer Sml                                                               Gold Wrestling Halfbeak Livebearer Sml Dermogenys pusilla
Gold Wrestling Halfbeak Livebearer Reg Dermogenys pusilla
Girardinus metallicus Yellow Metallicus Livebearer Reg                                                                     Yellow Metallicus Livebearer Reg Girardinus metallicus
Limia nigrofasciata Limia Perugiae Livebearer Reg                                                                        Limia Perugiae Livebearer Reg Limia nigrofasciata
Skiffia multipunctata Spotted Skiffia Goodei Livebearer Pair ML                                                           Spotted Skiffia Goodei Livebearer Pair M/L Skiffia multipunctata
Limia melanogaster Black Bellied Limia Livebearer Pair Med                                                              Black Bellied Limia Livebearer Pair Med Limia melanogaster
Belonesox Livebearer Florida Sml Belonesox belizanus
Belonesox Livebearer Florida Lrg Belonesox belizanus
Ebrardt's Redfin Halfbeak Livebearer Reg Nomorhamphus ebrardti
Hemirhamphodon tengah Goldstripe Halfbeak Livebearer Reg                                                                   Goldstripe Halfbeak Livebearer Reg Hemirhamphodon tengah
Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus Forest Halfbeak Livebearer Reg                                                                       Forest Halfbeak Livebearer Reg Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus
Blue Eye Livebearer Reg Priapella intermedia
Redtail Goodeid Livebearer Reg Xenotoca eiseni
Knife Edged Livebearer Reg Alfaro cultratus
Phalloceros caudimaculatus reticulatus Speckled Livebearer Reg                                                                              Speckled Livebearer Reg Phalloceros caudimaculatus reticulatus
Girardinus Metallicus Livebearer Reg Girardinus metallicus
Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora Brachyrhaphis Rhabdophora Livebearer Reg                                                             Brachyrhaphis Rhabdophora Livebearer Reg Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora
Butterfly Goodeid Livebearer Reg Ameca splendens
Ilyodon whitei Goodeid Whitei Livebearer Reg                                                                        Goodeid Whitei Livebearer Reg Ilyodon whitei
Limia nigrofasciata Black Bar Limia Livebearer Reg                                                                       Black Bar Limia Livebearer Reg Limia nigrofasciata
Lima melanogaster Black Bellied Limia Livebearer Med                                                                   Black Bellied Limia Livebearer Med Lima melanogaster

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